Basic Programs
- Converting Farenheit to Celcius
- Converting Celcius to Farenheit
- Converting Feet to Meter
- Converting Meter to Feet
- Swapping Two Numbers Without Using Third Variable
- Swapping Two Numbers
- Converting KM to Meter ,Centimeter or Millimeter
- Calculating Simple Interest
- Sum of Two Numbers
- Creating An Array List To Store Only Strings In Java
- Find If A String Can Be Made A Palindrome
- Find If Array Is Subarray Of Another
- Find Index Of Substring In A String
- Given an array A[] of n numbers and another number x, determine whether or not there exist two elements in A whose sum is exactly x.
- Given an array of distinct elements, rearrange the elements of array in zig-zag fashion in O(n) time.
- Given an array, find the number of subarrays whose sum is even.
- Given an integer, check whether it is a palindrome or not.
- Given an unsorted array, find the minimum difference between any pair in given array.
- Given two string s1 and s2 how will you check if s1 is a rotated version of s2?
- Middle Element Of Linked List
- Print numbers from 1 to n without the help of loops.
- Remove all characters from an alphanumeric string.
- Remove Consecutive Words In A Sentence
- Reversing Only Characters Of String
- Student Record
- Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
String Programs
- String Length - STRLEN
- String to Upper Case - STRUPR
- String to lower case - STRLWR
- String Compare - STRCMP
- String Compare Ignore Case - STRICMP
- String Reverse - STRREV
- String Concatenation - STRCAT
- Toggle case of string
- Locate a character in String - STRCHR
- Locate a word in String - STRSTR
- Sort array of 10 strings
Pattern Programs
Sorting Algorithms
Data Structures
- Algorithm, Program, Data Structure and Pseudocode
- Array Representation Of Sparse Matrix
- C Program To Implement Singly Linked List - Insertion, Searching, Traversal, Delete Node and Delete List
- C Program To Perform Insertion, Deletion & Sorting In Doubly Linked List
- Sorting A Doubly Linked List (Descending Order)
- C Program - Merge Two Arrays
- C Program To Merge Two Linked Lists
- C Program To Reverse Linked List
- C Program To Implement Circular Singly Linked List
- C Program To Implement Doubly Linked List - Insertion, Traversal, Searching, Delete Node & Delete List
- Polynomial Multiplication Using Linked List
- Polynomial Addition Using Linked List
- Linked List Representation Of Sparse Matrix
- C Program To Concatenate Two Linked Lists
- Recursion On Linked List
- Insertion, Deletion, Traversal, Reversal And Search Operation on Arrays
- C Program To Implement Doubly Linked List - Insertion, Traversal, Searching, Delete Node & Delete List
- Write a C program to add a node at the beginning of the Linked List.
- Write a C program to add a node after a particular position in the Linked List.
Zoho Interview Questions
- Alternate Sorting
- C program for Circular Pattern
- C program for Spiral Matrix
- C program to print X-pattern
- C-program to find whether a given matrix is an upper triangular matrix or not.
- Distance between Two Points
- Divide an Array
- Find New Friends in Social Networks
- Frequency of Array Elements
- Grand Children
- Maximum Path Sum
- Number Weight
- Reverse each word in a given string
- Reversing the Vowels
- Run length Decoding
- Run length Encoding
- Search for Substring in Two Dimensional Array
- Secure the given valid I’d by Making 1st 9 digit as *
- Solve the Sudoku
- Sort odd position in decreasing order even position in ascending order
- Sudoku Valid Configuration or not
- Sum of Elements in a Matrix
- Sum of Primes
- Sum Palindrome
- To find sum of weights in a given array
- Total Count
- Train Reservation
- Write a program for Lower Triangular Matrix
- Call Taxi Booking
- Hospital Management System
- Student Database Management System
- Railway Reservation System
- Contact Management System
- Library Management System
- Snake Game
- Call Taxi Booking System
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